Photo by Guille Álvarez from Unsplash

A great addition to any diet is giving your body the gift of time. It's done by rearranging your eating schedule so you have a longer period between meals. This, in turn, allows your body much-needed time to finish processing waste, toxins and any unwanted fat from your body. A great way to incorporate intermittent fasting is by skipping breakfast. Which is as the name implies you break (the) fast. Doing so increases the time your body has to take out the trash. It may seem like a lot skipping breakfast but within a few days your body will readjust and you may be surprised to find how good you start to feel.

Since you are increasing the time between meals you can include this with any diet that interests you or even use it as your stand-alone diet. Some perks come with giving your body time to do other functions besides continually digesting food. Besides playing cleanup, your body will use its newly acquired freedom to heal and restore areas of the body that have become obstructed. This in its self can resolve and prevent diseases and disorders.


Transformative Being © FEB 10, 2020

Intermittent Fasting

Tackling a diet, any diet is riddled with challenges why not simplify that. Here are some helpful techniques to make everyone's diet successful.

Changing your lifestyle with a diet while it's exciting can be stressful and full of cravings. Taking time for yourself to sit, clear your mind, meditate and change your brain waves helps you to stay balanced emotionally, reduce stress and ease those cravings. Meditation also allows you to focus on and increase the flow of vital energy. This raises your vibration assisting the body to heal and detox in a way that you feel energized. Taking 30 minutes a day can make a big difference.

A good way to get started with meditation, if it's new for you, is to sit upright somewhere comfortable with your eyes open. Sit there and observe and sense the world around you. Listen to the sounds, feel your breath and different parts of your body. If thoughts come to mind gently let them go and focus on observing without thought.

When this becomes second nature practice with your eyes closed and feel as your body starts to slowly increase in vibration. It may be a foreign sensation at first but think how it feels to sit in a vibrating massage chair only a lighter sensation. Over time, you will be able to increase the period you can meditate. Start with 5 -15 minutes and increase the time as your ability to stay focused increases.

These methods are life-changing and easy to incorporate into any diet and lifestyle. I skip breakfast or postpone it till 11 am when I have fresh organic raw fruits. Then at dinner, I have organic raw fruits then a big organic raw salad for dinner. I started from an omnivore diet then I transitioned over 12 months to get to a raw mucusless Vegan Fruitarian lifestyle. I also have incorporated meditation into my life meditating two to three times a day 15-30mins each. It helped through the transition with cravings and when I would push the detox harder. Now it helps to stay present, focused to recharge on stressful days.

Comment if you find these techniques helpful and if you have a topic or question you would like to read more about..Have an amazing day!

You have found your dream diet but not sure how to go about getting there? I mean you could go for it and immerse yourself in the new diet. Though if it's a big change in diet then you will face a strong detox and mass cravings which is fine for some but if you could lessen that wouldn't you?

A great way to ease into a new diet or even a major life change is to transition into it. Taking small steps to reach your goal allows your body, mind, and spirit to make the needed change. This lessens the effects of detoxing and quickens the rate at which your body adjusts to the change. Which is perfect for people that work or have busy lives and don't have the time to lie around sick while they detox.


3 Things That Will Make Your Diet Successful